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A2 Business Studies



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A2 Business Studies(圖1)-速報App

A2 Business Studies

Created for the AQA GCE A Level Specification (from June 2014 onwards). This is also suitable for other exam boards (see the topic areas listed below).

Has well over 100 multiple choice questions for both Unit 3 and Unit 4 (separate sections for each so you can tailor your revision).

Topics covered:

Unit 3

Strategies for Success

Financial Strategies and Accounts

Understanding Financial Objectives 

Using Financial Data to Measure and Assess Performance

Interpreting Published Accounts 

Selecting Financial Strategies 

Making Investment Decisions 

Marketing Strategies

Understanding Marketing Objectives 

Analysing Markets and Marketing 

Selecting Marketing Strategies 

Developing and Implementing Marketing Plans 

Operational Strategies

Understanding Operational Objectives 

Operational Strategies: Scale and Resource Mix 

Operational Strategies: Innovation 

Operational Strategies: Location 

Operational Strategies: Lean Production 

Human Resource Strategies

Understanding HR Objectives and Strategies 

Developing and Implementing Workforce Plans 

Competitive Organisational Structures 

Effective Employer/Employee Relations 

Unit 4

Corporate Aims and Objectives

Understanding Mission, Aims and Objectives

Assessing Changes in the Business Environment

The Relationship between Businesses and the Economic Environment

The Relationship between Businesses and the Political and Legal Environment

The Relationship between Businesses and the Social Environment

The Relationship between Businesses and the Technological Environment

The Relationship between Businesses and the Competitive Environment

Managing Change

Internal Causes of Change

Planning for Change

Key Influences on the Change Process: Leadership

Key Influences on the Change Process: Culture

Making Strategic Decisions

Implementing and Managing Change

支援平台:iPhone, iPad